Providing expeditions
since 2005

The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" climbed the Baranko wall and reached the Karanga camp

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club, without traffic jams, overcame the Baranko wall in 1.5 hours - much more pleasant than in the New ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club, without traffic jams, overcame the Baranko wall in 1.5 hours - much more pleasant than in the New Year's collapse! The only negative is the constant fog, and as a result, the lack of cool views and photos. On the way, we saw the consequences of the great October fire, the result of careless handling of fireworks - a very sad sight! We got to the camp Karanga 4030m by lunch.

After a very hearty lunch, fruit, guacamole... we hardly went for an acclimatization walk higher from the bivouac. And the food here is great! The whole group is happy!
























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love" climbed to the base camp of the Plaza de Mulas

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our team "Argentina one love" has finally arrived at the Aconcagua base camp – on the Plaza de Mulas. The whole day took the walk ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our team "Argentina one love" has finally arrived at the Aconcagua base camp – on the Plaza de Mulas. The whole day took the walk from Confluencia  to Mulas.  Just before the camp, a small snow began to fall, but this is no longer a hindrance when you see the long-awaited tents.  We were warmly welcomed and accommodated in the camp. We were treated to delicious Iranian tea, and in the evening we cooked Argentine meat.  Tomorrow we have a day of relaxation and recovery, as part of the rest we will go to the hotel of the last century.  Maybe we'll visit the gallery of the artist Miguel. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.

 As part of the project for the Guinness Book of Records, Tatiana Stupak plans to perform a concert on the gusli at the top of Aconcagua.  The first lucky ones bought tickets.









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" visited the San Francisco Pass and bathed in the hot baths of the Laguna Verde spring

President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile: News of the "Lucky Ones" team from the expedition to Ojos del Salado. Today our team drove to the San Francisco Pass. It is a great place for acclimatization and ... read more

President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

News of the "Lucky Ones" team from the expedition to Ojos del Salado. Today our team drove to the San Francisco Pass. It is a great place for acclimatization and generally iconic. This is the border of Chile and Argentina. We even drove 10 km to the territory of Argentina, to the border guards post. Beauty! Then we visited the abandoned town of gold diggers. Tomorrow we plan to climb to the top of San Francisco 6150m. The weather is good.  And most importantly, we stopped at the Laguna Verde hot springs and washed in hot water there.
















Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko from the Laguna Rosa camp climbed on the summit of Seven Brothers Peak

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile: January 7. Greetings to all from Chile from Atacama from the group Papas Bravas (Brave Potatoes)! Today we made the first acclimatization ascent of almost 5000 meters - ... read more

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 7. Greetings to all from Chile from Atacama from the group Papas Bravas (Brave Potatoes)! Today we made the first acclimatization ascent of almost 5000 meters - on the top of Seven Brothers Peak. The ascent took place in conditions of strong wind and at times a salt storm. But everything ended well. We reached the top and went down to our camp to the Pink Lake (Laguna Rosa) with flamingos, where a chic dinner from our chef Carolina was waiting for us. We are resting now. Tomorrow we will move to the Verde Lagoon and hot springs.
















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" has passed the Lava Tower and is spending the night in the Baranko camp

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! The morning in Moorland, as always, is damp and humid. But it is worth leaving the tent, and beautiful views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki! The morning in Moorland, as always, is damp and humid. But it is worth leaving the tent, and beautiful views of the Kilimanjaro massif and Mount Meru 4562m are provided! The Akukaracha group of the 7 Summits Club continues its Machame Route today. Today is one of the most difficult days, the climb and drop of 900m altitude. According to the plan, first there is an acclimatization ascent to the Lava Tower 4640m, there is lunch.  Moorland is replaced by an Arctic desert, a kingdom of rocks, mosses and lichens.  The dry season, after all, is in no hurry ... drizzle, fog and dampness continue to bother at the crossings! The Lava Tower is hiding in the fog again. From Lava Tower, passing the valley of Senecio grass palms, we went down to Camp Baranco 3900m, we spend the night here, fog... For some participants, today's  trek has become a personal challenge and a real revelation, the discovery of their capabilities! The Baranko wall, as always, is impressive! Guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin.




























The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love" made a rotation to the Plaza France for acclimatization

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dias! The group "Argentina one love" continues to acclimatize and move towards the goal. Today, as part of acclimatization, we went to the Horcones gorge, under the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dias! The group "Argentina one love" continues to acclimatize and move towards the goal. Today, as part of acclimatization, we went to the Horcones gorge, under the Southern Face of Aconcagua, to a place with a beautiful name Plaza Francia. Having climbed to a height of 3955 meters, we decided not to go further, since visibility was limited.  We sat for about half an hour, drank tea, had a snack, told a portion of stories.  On the way back, it turned sharply colder and a fine rain began. We managed to get back to the camp before the serious rain.  In the evening we had a "medical check", a doctor's check showed that the condition of all participants is excellent. Tomorrow we have a long walk to the Plaza de Mulas base camp.  We hope that there will be no precipitation in the afternoon.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.








The group of the 7 Summits Club "Lucky Ones" moved to the Laguna Verde camp at the foot of the Ojos del Salado volcano

President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile: News of the "Lucky Ones" team from Ojos Del Salado. After leaving Laguna Santa Rosa, our team rushed to our comfortable Laguna Verde camp. On the way we met waterfalls, ... read more

President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Chile:

 News of the "Lucky Ones" team from Ojos Del Salado. After leaving Laguna Santa Rosa, our team rushed to our comfortable Laguna Verde camp. On the way we met waterfalls, snowfalls, and one car stopped right in the middle of the road. The whole team pushed this car for 30 kilometers. When we arrived at the camp, it started snowing. And the wind. But the views are colossal. Tomorrow we have acclimatization – ascent to the San Francisco pass with a height of 5000 m.

The team is fun. Everyone is happy. And most importantly. We bought an Internet Star Link, from Elon Musk. The Internet gives surprisingly good speed. The whole team can send videos at the same time.

Group guides: Alexander Abramov, Alexander Dorojukov, Nikita Slotin.




































The group of the 7 Summits Club "Papas Bravas" by Lyudmila Korobeshko moved to the Laguna Rosa camp in the Atacama Desert

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile: January 6th. Greetings from Chile from Laguna Rosa from the Papas Bravas team, bravo going to the highest volcano in the World - Ojos del Salado. Today our team left ... read more

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 6th. Greetings from Chile from Laguna Rosa from the Papas Bravas team, bravo going to the highest volcano in the World - Ojos del Salado.  Today our team left civilization (the hotel in Baia Ingles) and made a brave move to the Pink Lake (Laguna Rosa) at an altitude of 3800, overcoming the pass of 4400m. We managed to see flamingos in the sunset rays and the rising of the full moon over the Atacama volcanoes. Tomorrow we will climb the volcano 7 Brothers (4700m).











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Akukaracha" climbed to the Shira camp on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: It's raining again on the Shira plateau... The team of the 7 Summits Club under the guidance of super-guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin safely reached the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

It's raining again on the Shira plateau... The team of the 7 Summits Club under the guidance of super-guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin safely reached the Shira camp, at an altitude of 3750m. A great hot lunch and a walk along the Shira plateau, everyone was inspired by a sleepy state. We did a great job, we can take a break ... We are waiting for dinner, everyone is happy!











The team of the 7 Summits Club returned safely to the Union Glacier base after climbing Mount Vinson

Vinson. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Antarctica: January 5th. We safely descended to the base camp. It remains to wait for the weather and fly to the Union Glacier base. No one was injured during the walk down ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Antarctica:

January 5th. We safely descended to the base camp. It remains to wait for the weather and fly to the Union Glacier base. No one was injured during the walk down from the assault camp. We went down and celebrated our success qualitatively. We hope that tomorrow we will be at the base and will have the opportunity to learn a little more about Antarctica before flying back. Sunny snowy greetings to all!  On January 6, it looks like there will be no charter, we will arrive according to the original plan. That is, on January 9th.

January 6th. The expedition on the Vinson Massif returns step by step to civilization. Today we managed to fly from the base camp to the Union Glacier, they not only feed here, but also entertain. On a late sunny evening we went on an excursion to Elephant Head Mountain. And after that, medals were awarded to all climbers on the Vinson Massif in our team. And there are 100% of them!  If there is weather, maybe we will get to the South Pole.






Lyudmila Korobeshko met a new group of the 7 Summits Club on the volcano Ojos del Salado

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile: Hello from Chile from the recently arrived Pizka de Pudahuel group! The name is inspired by the inscriptions at Santiago Airport. Our group, which has already passed ... read more

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

Hello from Chile from the recently arrived Pizka de Pudahuel group! The name is inspired by the inscriptions at Santiago Airport. Our group, which has already passed through Kilimanjaro, Orizaba, Demavent and Elbrus, arrived in Atacama to go to the highest volcano in the world: Ojos del Salado. According to an ancient Chilean tradition, we try live scallops with champagne, then we try fried octopus and ceviche with Pisco. Thus, the program of the first day of acclimatization was completed. Tomorrow we pack up and go to the heart of the Atacama! In the morning - jogging and exercise, as usual!













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina, one love" moved to the Confluencia camp

Aconcagua. Guide to the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dias! "Argentina, one love." Today we leave the cozy corner of the Penitents and move on. First, the bus took us to the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park, ... read more

Guide to the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dias!  "Argentina, one love." Today we leave the cozy corner of the Penitents and move on. First, the bus took us to the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park, where we registered our permits and received the necessary instructions about the rules of behavior in the park. Then we went to the Confluencia camp, which is located at an altitude of 3400 meters. For the first hour the sun shone brightly and it was hot, then the weather began to deteriorate, and when we were already approaching the Confluencia, a headwind blew and a rain began to fall. Here we needed all the necessary set of clothes that we had in our backpacks: from light fleece to membrane.  We settled at the Confluencia in two houses.  Now we are resting, waiting for dinner. Tomorrow we are going towards the Plaza Francia.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.











Summit!  The group from the 7 Summits Club is on the Laguna Rosa Camp and climbed the Peak of Seven Brothers

The president of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Abramov, reports from Chile: Today there was a beautiful day. We climbed to the top of the Peak of Seven Brothers, 4800 meters high. The whole team feels very well and acclimatizes perfectly. ... read more

The president of the 7 Summits Club, Alexander Abramov, reports from Chile:

Today there was a beautiful day. We climbed to the top of the Peak of Seven Brothers, 4800 meters high. The whole team feels very well and acclimatizes perfectly. We’re watching flamingos and guanacos. Weather: rain, sometimes snow. Tomorrow we move to Laguna Verde. We hope the weather will improve.




































The group of the 7 Summits Club "Mañana" made the final acclimatization rotation

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits club Dmitry Semenov is broadcasting from Argentina: Greetings from the slopes of Aconcagua! Today our group "Mañana" made an acclimatization rotation to the assault camp Colera (6000 m.). For the guys it ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits club Dmitry Semenov is broadcasting from Argentina:

Greetings from the slopes of Aconcagua! Today our group "Mañana"  made an acclimatization rotation to the assault  camp Colera (6000 m.). For the guys it was a challenge, they had never been at such a height. But despite all the difficulties, and this is altitude and snow, the group worked flawlessly. Now we are in our warm and cozy camp on the Plaza de Mulas , resting and preparing for the decisive campaign. See you in the mountains and be careful on the trails!






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Argentina one love" moved from the city of Mendoza to the beginning of the route to the village of Penentes

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Bon Dias! The team "Argentina one love" started from the city of Mendoza to the foot of Aconcagua. Now we are in a glamping of the Penitentes, which is located near the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Bon Dias! The team "Argentina one love" started from the city of Mendoza to the foot of Aconcagua. Now we are in a glamping of the Penitentes, which is located near the entrance to the Aconcagua National Park. Today we have prepared the luggage to be sent to the Plaza de Mulas and Confluencia. Tomorrow we start the walking part of the program: from the beginning of the park to Confluencia, where we will spend a couple of days for acclimatization.  The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.







Today is the first walking day of the January group of the 7 Summits Club on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: Hello everyone, from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Yesterday evening's briefing on the route went great! The 7 Summits Club group is still thinking about the name. Now the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

Hello everyone, from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Yesterday evening's briefing on the route went great! The 7 Summits Club group is still thinking about the name. Now the last gatherings and departure to the beginning of the route - Gate Machame Route. According to the plan today, the walk through the jungle, the height difference from 1800m to 3000m.  Super-guides Sergey Avtomonov and Evgeny Fedyunin were with you.





The main part of the first group of the 7 Summits Club on the Ojos del Salado volcano set off in jeeps

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile: January 3. All salute from Chile! Some more news from Abramov's group. This morning another member of the expedition arrived. She is a well-known blogger and an ... read more

Director of the 7 Summits Club Lyudmila Korobeshko reports from Chile:

January 3. All salute from Chile!  Some more news from Abramov's group. This morning another member of the expedition arrived. She is a well-known blogger and an aspiring mountaineer (participant of a recent expedition to Manaslu). At noon, a cavalcade of five SUVs set off from the Chilean resort town of Baia Ingles to the Atacama Desert to meet adventures! The group managed to make friends during yesterday's day spent tasting Chilean delicacies and wines.

Abramov, Dorojukov, Bogomolov and two places in turn for those who want to (with good driving experience) set off today behind the wheel of SUVs. Nikita Slotin meets two more participants tomorrow and they immediately go to catch up with their group.

And I'm meeting my participants tomorrow. Our departure to Atacama is scheduled for January 6th.

 P.S. - what will happen to the connection in Atacama is still unclear. There is no connection in the desert, but Abramov bought some Starlink from Elon Musk. Let's see if it will work in Atacama....













Summit! The team of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the highest peak of Antarctica

Vinson. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Antarctica: Greetings from the Vinson Massif Assault Camp. We came down here after conquering the peak. We climbed to the top, as planned, slowly, admiring the beauty. The ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev reports from Antarctica:

Greetings from the Vinson Massif Assault Camp.  We came down here after conquering the peak. We climbed to the top, as planned, slowly, admiring the beauty. The weather allowed it to be done. All team members have reached the highest point of Antarctica. We stayed there for more than an hour, took pictures, even took a photo topless. Tomorrow we are all going down to the base camp and we will wait for the weather to fly back to the Union Glacier. Huge greetings from the freshly baked climbers on the Vinson Massif!

 Photos from previous expeditions






The Kilimanjaro climbing program begins for a new group of the 7 Summits Club

Kilimanjaro. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania: And again, Jambo Rafiki! A new group of the 7 Summits Club has arrived at Kilimanjaro Airport! Most of the participants are gathered ... Today we have an acquaintance, ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Evgeny Fedyunin reports from Tanzania:

And again, Jambo Rafiki!  A new group of the 7 Summits Club has arrived at Kilimanjaro Airport! Most of the participants are gathered ... Today we have an acquaintance, checking equipment and preparing to go on the route!










The members of the new group of the 7 Summits Club met with guides in Mendoza, and preparations for a trip to the mountains began

Aconcagua. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias, seniors and senoritas! Our group (still untitled) in full force gathered today in the city of Mendoza - the center of winemaking and mountaineering in ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Andrey Berezin reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias, seniors and senoritas!  Our group (still untitled) in full force gathered today in the city of Mendoza - the center of winemaking and mountaineering in Argentina. We solved some of the organizational issues, the rest were postponed until tomorrow, because of the time frame. Today our team is inclined to discuss the main goal of our trip – climbing Aconcagua. Next, we solve the technical issues. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Viktor Volodin.